befree Corporate Sustainability and ESG

At befree, our commitment to a sustainable business extends far and wide. We aim not just for profits but to leave a positive imprint on society and the environment through our actions. This involves tackling health, nurturing vibrant communities, organic farming for a positive environmental impact, and supporting the education of underprivileged children.

Our dedication to corporate citizenship is an ongoing journey. We stand firm in our pledge to authentically and profoundly contribute to the betterment of the world through our endeavours.

befree's Vision for ESG & Corporate

Our commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility is aligned with United Nation’s sustainable development goals (SDG). It evident through our initiatives aimed at eradicating poverty, empowering economically disadvantaged communities through accessible education, and championing environmental stewardship.

We strive to create a world where prosperity is shared equitably, education is accessible to all, and our environmental footprint is minimized for future generations

Giving back to the community

befree is committed to giving back to the community with a foundation laid on three key pillars in line with the causes our employees are passionate about




Under each pillar, we run projects either directly, or in partnership with our NGO partners.

Our flagship partners


School opening – befree with the support of a local charity, Manav Sadhna, opened a small school in the slum area of Motera, India, keeping in mind that education is not preparation for life, education is life itself which is the most powerful weapon to change the world.

The founders of befree wanted to give back to the local community, helping promote the importance of education and unlocking the world with the passport of wisdom. Till date, the school has tutored hundreds of underprivileged children enabling them to take English and Maths lessons.

School equipment funding – befree believes remaining dynamic further develops fitness and also has a positive impact on mental prosperity. Physical exercise promotes positive self-image, high productivity and energetic wellbeing. As a result, a number of our employees pooled together donations and purchased sports equipment for the students at a local school, keeping in mind that health is worth learning. Bringing on the endless sunshine to these needy students.


Organic farming – Organic farming is more energy-efficient than conventional farming and is better for our planet. befree has recently ventured into organic farming which we feel is a very pertinent and important activity that is gaining traction around the world. As news of the adverse effects of chemical pesticides grows, more and more people are turning to organic food to be kinder to their bodies and the environment.

We encourage staff to pitch in and get their hands dirty so they too can expand their knowledge and begin to appreciate the benefits of organic living. The farm offers a tranquil space for staff to pour their energy into something that is good for the soul. When you see the vegetables finally growing and then being picked and eaten, the satisfaction of knowing that you grew that is incredible.

At befree, we firmly believe in eating healthy, fresh, chemical-free, seasonal fruit and vegetables to stay in tune with our bodies. Our staff canteen follows this same mantra and where possible we provide organic vegetables for the meals that are served.


Waste collection initiative – This initiative aims to uplift the rag-picking women of India in a holistic manner while focusing on their dignity and respect. These ladies collect recyclable waste from the streets and dump sites and sell it for their daily wages. As these women play an integral role in waste management and recycling, they provide a silent but essential service to both society and the environment.

befree supports this endeavour by providing financial backing that has allowed the organisation to set up 2 waste collection centers in Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, India, that are the selling points for the ladies. They are assured of better rates per kilo of recyclable material and a share of the annual profits.

Plus we sponsor annual trips for ladies only to give the ladies a much-earned breather from the daily chores. We also provide support for the provision of monthly food packs and annual Diwali gifts. In turn, we see the beautiful smiles on the faces of all the ladies and are showered with their blessings.

Blood Donation

Blood donation – befree runs a number of blood donation camps. Numerous NGOs have found ways to ensure that there is a regular income of blood, by guaranteeing the contributors of wellbeing measures set up. Nonetheless, considering the constraints of NGOs and nonprofits as far as restricted accessibility of assets, they don’t arrive in numerous regions or don’t fulfill needed security guidelines. befree’s CSR assumes a critical part at such a period.

A blood donation drive was organized by befree in collaboration with Civil Hospital Blood Bank. The camp witnessed the participation of staff from befree and also from the public who came out in large numbers for the cause. The blood donation camp was aimed at strengthening the healthcare system. A team of doctors, paramedical personnel, and volunteers were deployed around the camp in order to ensure safety.

Blood Donation camps are organized annually on our premises. The employees are awarded with certificates and Blood Donor cards, which enable them to participate in such drives outside the workplace also.

Blanket Distribution

Blanket/Clothes Distribution – befree organizes blanket distribution drives during winters, Staff members volunteer on an ongoing basis, helping distribute blankets and used items of good quality reusable clothing to the local slum community in Ahmedabad, India. Our befree team works overnight to transport and distribute these items after bundling them into little boxes. A small donation on an ongoing basis makes such a big difference to the lives of these people.

The smiles of the faces of these struggling people are a true reward for all the effort our befree team puts in.

A beneficiary gave us feedback stating that “There are lots of individuals here who don’t have appropriate garments to wear, not to mention having warmer clothes to secure themselves in the colder time of year. The blankets we get today have brought such a lot of joy to all over here. For everybody in the local slum community in Ahmedabad, India.” Where we distributed, ”I offer gratitude to befree’s CSR initiative and every individual who has helped us.”