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Your Complete Guide to Outsourced Bookkeeping and Accounting

Outsourced Bookkeeping & Accounting Services

Maintaining accurate financial records is crucial for the success and sustainability of any enterprise in Australia. However, managing bookkeeping and accounting tasks in-house can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and prone to errors. This is where outsourced bookkeeping and accounting solutions come into play.

By entrusting these responsibilities to external professionals or firms, businesses in Australia can streamline their financial processes, enhance accuracy, and focus on core operations.

In this guide, we’ll break down outsourced bookkeeping and accounting – what it involves, why it’s significant, and how it can revolutionise the financial management of businesses in Australia.

What is Bookkeeping and Accounting Outsourcing?

Bookkeeping and accounting outsourcing in Australia refers to the practice of entrusting financial responsibilities like transaction recording, account reconciliation, financial statement preparation, and payroll management to external service providers. These providers are often specialised firms or professionals equipped with the necessary expertise, technology, and resources to efficiently handle these tasks.

By outsourcing bookkeeping and accounting functions, Australian businesses delegate these crucial financial activities to external experts. Rather than managing these tasks internally, they opt to engage professionals who specialise in maintaining accurate and compliant financial records. This allows Australian businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring that their financial processes are handled effectively by skilled professionals.

Why Outsource Your Bookkeeping and Accounting?

Are you considering outsourcing your client’s bookkeeping tasks? If your rationale centres solely on cost savings, you’re only scratching the surface of the advantages. Delve deeper into this service model, and you’ll discover many benefits beyond the financial realm. 

Outsourcing bookkeeping transcends mere financial considerations; it represents a strategic maneuver capable of reshaping the dynamics of your client relationships and enhancing the efficiency of your business operations. Let’s delve into the myriad reasons why delegating your bookkeeping responsibilities to an external provider is a decision that transcends economic concerns:

Expert Handling

Outsourcing entails entrusting financial record management to specialists well-versed in the intricacies of bookkeeping, ensuring precision and compliance.

Time and Stress Savings

Instead of dealing with the detailed financial tasks in-house, outsourcing frees up your time. You can focus on your business strengths while experts handle the nitty-gritty details, reducing stress and workload.


Outsourcing is often more cost-effective than maintaining in-house financial capabilities. You pay for the services you need, saving on salaries, benefits, and infrastructure costs.

Efficiency Boost

Dedicated professionals managing bookkeeping ensure your financial records remain organised and current. This heightened efficiency can facilitate improved decision-making and smoother financial management processes.

Stay Updated

Outsourcing firms stay abreast of the latest financial regulations and trends. This means your business benefits from the expertise and knowledge of professionals who are always in the loop.


As your business grows, outsourcing allows you to scale your financial services accordingly. You can adapt without the hassle of hiring and training new in-house staff.

Focus on Core Business

With bookkeeping and accounting tasks delegated, you can concentrate on your core competencies – nurturing and advancing your business. This focused approach can significantly contribute to overall business success.

When is the Right Time to Outsource Your Bookkeeping?

The perfect moment to outsource your bookkeeping isn’t a mystery—it’s when your business is craving streamlined efficiency and financial finesse. Recognising the opportune moment to delegate these responsibilities can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your business.

Here are key indicators that signal the right time for any business in Australia to consider outsourcing bookkeeping:

01. Workload Overload

  • Your in-house team is struggling to manage the increasing volume and complexity of financial transactions
  • Deadlines are frequently missed, and there’s a noticeable strain on your current financial resources

02. Business Growth and Expansion

  • Your business is experiencing growth, and the current financial infrastructure is proving insufficient to handle the expansion
  • Scaling operations are becoming challenging with the existing in-house financial capabilities

03. Cost-benefit Analysis Favours Outsourcing

  • A thorough evaluation reveals that outsourcing bookkeeping is more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team.
  • The potential savings on salaries, benefits, and infrastructure costs make outsourcing a financially prudent choice

04. Focus on Core Competencies

  • Your team’s focus on core business functions is being compromised due to the time-consuming nature of in-house bookkeeping tasks.
  • Delegating financial responsibilities would allow your team to concentrate on business strengths and strategic initiatives.

05. Technology and Compliance Challenges

  • Keeping up with evolving financial technologies and regulatory changes is proving challenging for your in-house team.
  • Outsourcing ensures access to professionals who are well-versed in the latest technologies and compliance standards.

06. Need for Scalability

  • Your business is poised for growth, and you anticipate an increase in financial transactions.
  • Outsourcing provides a scalable solution without the need to hire and train additional in-house staff.

07. Strategic Business Focus

  • The burden of managing bookkeeping and accounting tasks is diverting attention from strategic business priorities.
  • Outsourcing allows you to refocus on core business activities, contributing to overall success.

08. Efficiency and Decision-Making Concerns

  • Inefficiencies in your current bookkeeping processes are impacting decision-making.
  • Outsourcing promises improved efficiency, leading to better-informed decision-making.

Recognising the right time to outsource bookkeeping involves a careful assessment of your business’s current state, future growth projections, and the ability of your in-house team to effectively manage financial responsibilities.

How to Outsource Your Bookkeeping Services?

Now, the question that arises is how to outsource bookkeeping services. You would want a seamless collaboration that not only handles the meticulous details of your financial realm but propels your business towards efficiency and growth.

How do you navigate the vast landscape of outsourcing to find this invaluable partner? Fear not, as we unravel the steps to help you find the perfect match for your bookkeeping needs.


Define Your Needs

The initial phase of this journey involves self-discovery. Delineate your bookkeeping needs, spanning from recording transactions to generating financial reports. Understanding your requirements guarantees that you'll discover a provider whose skills harmonise perfectly with your business objectives.

Research Reputable Service Providers

Explore outsourcing firms or individual certified bookkeepers with a proven track record. Look for experience, client testimonials, and industry expertise to ensure that you partner with professionals who comprehend the nuances of your business.


Compatibility Check

Just as in any partnership, compatibility is key. Ensure your potential outsourcing provider uses compatible financial software, allowing for smooth integration with your existing systems. This ensures a harmonious collaboration that doesn't disrupt your established workflows.

Communication Mastery

A prosperous partnership flourishes with effective communication. Look for providers who emphasise clear and open channels of communication.

Whether it involves consistent updates, real-time inquiries, or thorough reporting, make sure that communication matches your standards for a transparent and cooperative relationship.


Prioritise Data Security

The world of bookkeeping involves handling sensitive financial data. Therefore, your chosen provider should act as a fortress for this information. Inquire about their data security measures, encryption protocols, and compliance with data protection regulations to guarantee the safety of your business information.

Consider a Trial Period

Consider a trial period to test the waters. This allows you to assess compatibility and efficiency before committing to a long-term partnership. A trial period acts as a mutual exploration, ensuring both parties are comfortable before sealing the deal.

Cost Clarity

Understanding the cost structure is essential. It's important to evaluate the expenses related to outsourcing and weigh them against potential savings and efficiency improvements. Having a transparent understanding of outsourced bookkeeping rates is vital for establishing a sustainable and mutually beneficial partnership.

Feedback Loop for Improvement

The journey extends beyond the initial alliance; it adapts over time. Keep a close watch on the outsourcing arrangement, offering valuable feedback regularly. This collaborative method fosters continual improvement, ensuring that the partnership remains aligned with the changing needs of your business.

Outsourcing your bookkeeping services is more than a transaction; it’s a partnership that can significantly enhance your business operations. Following these steps can help you navigate the outsourcing process successfully, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship with your chosen service provider.

What Does an Outsourced Bookkeeper Do?

Now that we’ve established when to consider outsourcing, let’s look into what exactly an outsourced bookkeeper does.

Recording Transactions

Imagine your business’s daily adventures – buying coffee for the team, meeting clients, and getting paid for your latest project. An outsourced bookkeeper turns these everyday moments into a special financial diary, capturing the essence of your business’s money story. It’s not just about jotting down transactions; it’s like creating a fascinating storybook for your business’s piggy bank.

Accounts Receivable and Payable

Managing the intricate financial currents of your business, an outsourced bookkeeper handles both accounts receivable and payable with finesse. They serve as financial guardians, ensuring the health of your funds.

With their expertise by your side, navigating through your business endeavours becomes smoother, knowing that your financial vessel is secure and steady.

Bank Reconciliation

Ever had that sinking feeling when your bank statement doesn’t quite match up with your records? No worries! An outsourced bookkeeper becomes your financial detective, making sure every coin lines up perfectly. No more feeling lost; it’s like having a GPS for your money journey.

Payroll Processing

Making sure your employees receive accurate and timely payments is a significant responsibility. An outsourced bookkeeper handles the intricate details, allowing you to concentrate on maintaining your team’s satisfaction.

Financial Reporting

Think of financial statements as the pulse of your business. An outsourced bookkeeper creates these reports, giving you a rhythmic pulse of your financial health.

Compliance Management

Staying on the right side of the law is a crucial responsibility. A bookkeeper ensures that your business complies with tax regulations and other financial laws.

Busting the Myths on Bookkeeping Outsourcing

Even though outsourcing bookkeeping can help CPA firms in Australia solve challenges and bring many benefits, some firms hesitate. The reason? They hold onto certain myths about getting accounting work done through outsourcing.

Myth 1: You will have to pay more

Drop the notion that outsourcing your small business bookkeeping is a financial hassle. It’s a strategic move!

By outsourcing, you tap into specialised expertise without incurring significant in-house costs. You only pay for the services rendered, eliminating worries about unforeseen expenses. It’s akin to having an economical ensemble, guaranteeing that the job is completed efficiently without breaking the bank.

Myth 2: You will lose control of your finances

Outsourcing doesn’t mean giving up control; it’s about gaining flexibility and expertise. While you might not do the day-to-day bookkeeping, outsourced providers act like partners in your business journey. You decide the service level, keep communication open, and get regular updates. You’re still the captain of your financial ship!

Myth 3: You will not have access to real-time financial data

Do you believe that outsourcing means losing access to immediate financial information? That’s not the case!

In the age of technology, outsourcing allows you to keep your financial data easily accessible. With modern tools and skilled professionals, you can check your financial information whenever you need. Outsourcing can improve transparency and efficiency more than what in-house teams can do.

Myth 4: You will be exposed to greater risk

Outsourcing your bookkeeping isn’t riskier; it’s a strategic move to cut down risks. Experienced professionals reduce the chance of errors and reputable providers go the extra mile for the security of your financial data. It’s like having a shield against risks, ensuring a smoother financial journey.

Myth 5: You will not have quality records

Quality and outsourcing are a perfect match. When you outsource bookkeeping, you receive a team of professionals committed to maintaining accurate records. This diligent method helps prevent expensive errors or fraud.

Regular check-ins allow you to monitor the quality of your financial records, establishing a strong basis for making wise decisions.

Myth 6: You will have to struggle to find a good bookkeeper

Don’t believe finding a good bookkeeper is a struggle! The outsourcing world is full of quality providers. Research, recommendations, and online reviews can guide you to some of the best outsourced bookkeeping services. With so many efficient providers, finding the right bookkeeping partner is an empowering journey, not a struggle.

Outsourcing isn’t a new idea but a trusted strategy that has stood the test of time. It might not be as famous as before, but outsourcing remains a reliable friend for businesses seeking efficiency, expertise, and a smooth way to manage finances.

How to Address Data Security Concerns While Outsourcing Bookkeeping & Accounting?

Have you ever wondered how to lock the vault of your financial data when outsourcing bookkeeping?

Well, to address data security concerns effectively, start by thoroughly vetting potential service providers. Research their security measures, including encryption protocols and compliance with data protection regulations. A reputable outsourcing partner will act as a fortress for your sensitive financial information.

Additionally, make clear communication regarding your expectations for data security a priority. Define and document the procedures for managing and safeguarding data, ensuring they align with your business’s security requirements. Collaborate with your outsourcing partner to regularly review and update these protocols, staying proactive in addressing evolving security threats.

By fostering a transparent and collaborative approach, you can build a strong defence against data breaches while benefiting from the efficiency of outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services.

How Much Does an Outsourced Bookkeeper Cost in Australia?

The cost of outsourcing bookkeeping services in Australia can vary based on several factors such as the complexity of your financial transactions, the volume of work involved, the level of expertise required, and the specific services offered by the outsourcing provider. 

Usually, bookkeepers bill their services hourly, with rates ranging from $25 to $60 per hour. The price varies depending on the level of expertise and the range of services provided. For more extensive assistance, like financial reporting or payroll management, the hourly rates can increase to $70 or higher.

It’s crucial to carefully consider your business needs and budget when selecting an outsourcing provider. Some providers may offer different pricing packages tailored to businesses of various sizes, while others may customise their services based on your specific requirements. 

Moreover, factors such as the provider’s reputation, experience, and the quality of services they offer should also be accounted for when determining the overall value of outsourcing bookkeeping for your Australian-based business.


In conclusion, outsourcing bookkeeping and accounting services offers numerous benefits for businesses, including cost-effectiveness, expert handling, scalability, and improved efficiency. By delegating these tasks to external professionals or firms, businesses can streamline their financial processes, enhance accuracy, and focus on core operations. Moreover, addressing concerns such as data security and understanding the various engagement models available in the market ensures a successful outsourcing experience. 

Now that you have the confidence to outsource, make the strategic move to elevate your business’s financial capabilities. Contact befree today to explore how our outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services can be the catalyst for your success

Don't just outsource—partner with excellence!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In Australia, bookkeepers provide services such as transaction recording, bank reconciliation, accounts payable and receivable management, payroll processing, financial reporting, and BAS and GST lodgement.

Businesses of all sizes, especially small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs, and start-ups, benefit most from bookkeepers who manage day-to-day financial transactions, payroll, and compliance. Moreover, professionals such as sole traders, freelancers, and entities in sectors like hospitality, healthcare, and real estate often rely on bookkeepers to maintain accurate financial records and ensure regulatory compliance.

Outsourcing bookkeeping services delivers cost savings, expertise accessibility, and enables businesses to concentrate on core operations, all while guaranteeing precise and compliant financial oversight.

Bookkeeping encompasses the documentation of financial transactions, whereas accounting entails a more comprehensive examination and understanding of financial information to guide strategic business choices.

Outsourcing bookkeeping carries risks, particularly in data security. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully select partners with strong security measures to avoid issues like data breaches and compliance violations. Regular communication and clear protocols can help mitigate these risks.